Flash CardPneumonia is caused by ........... . bacteria1/30The Lactobacilli convert lactose, the sugar in the milk, into........ . lactic acid2/30Molasses is fermented with the help of yeast called ......... Saccharomyces3/30................ is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Amoxicillin4/30The ............. destroys harmful microbes present in the milk. low pH5/30Bacteria causes.............. cholera6/30Find the odd man out: Tetracycline, Penicillin, Gentamycin, Erythromycin. TetracyclineQuestion Explanation:Tetracycline. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, whereas others are narrow-spectrum antibiotics. 7/30Lactobacilli kill the harmful bacteria like ............. present in the alimentary canal. Clostridium8/30During fermentation, yeast cells convert carbohydrates into ........... alcohol and carbon dioxide9/30Find the odd man out: Root rot, rust (tambere), rubella, mozaic rubellaQuestion Explanation:Rubella. It is a disease of humans, whereas the rest are diseases of plants. 10/30Find the odd man out: Lactobacilli, Rhizobia, Yeast, Clostridia YeastQuestion Explanation:Yeast. It is a fungus, whereas the rest are bacteria. 11/30Antibiotic penicillin was discovered by........ Alexander Fleming12/30Dengue is caused by.............. . mosquito bite13/30Find the odd man out: AIDS, Hepatitis, Leprosy, Dengue. LeprosyQuestion Explanation:Leprosy. It is caused by bacteria, whereas the rest are caused by viruses. 14/30Bird flu (H7N9 ) and swine flu (H1 N1 ) are caused by............ virus15/30The bacteria which spoil cooked food are............. Clostridium16/30Yoghurt has a specific sour taste due to ............. . Lactic acid17/30Fungi release ............ into the food, making the food poisonous. mycotoxins18/30Find the odd man out: Ampicillin, Amoxycillin, Penicillin, Tetracycline. PenicillinQuestion Explanation:Penicillin. It is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic, whereas others are broad-spectrum antibiotics. 19/30........ can grow and reproduce only in living cells. Viruses20/30Bacteria found in the root nodules of leguminous plants are ............. . Rhizobium21/30............ proved that the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is responsible for food poisoning. Van Ermengem22/30A yeast ................... is used to absorb the toxins released during the production of palm oil. Yarrowia lipolytica23/30AIDS is caused by............. . virus24/30Find the odd man out: Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Chickenpox, Cholera. ChickenpoxQuestion Explanation:Chickenpox. It is caused by a virus, whereas others are caused by bacteria. 25/30Antibiotics mainly act against .................. bacteria26/30........... can be prevented by vaccination. Chicken pox27/30........... is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic. Penicillin28/30Malaria is caused by............ . protozoa29/30Find the odd man out: Cholera, Leprosy, Pneumonia, Influenza. InfluenzaQuestion Explanation:Influenza. It is caused by a virus, whereas the rest are caused by bacteria. 30/30PrevNext Class 9 | Useful and Harmful Microbes NameEmailWhatsApp Mobile No. 1 / 30 The bacteria which spoil cooked food are…………. Lactobacilli Saccharomyces Rhizobium Clostridium 2 / 30 Malaria is caused by………… . fungi bacteria protozoa virus 3 / 30 Bacteria causes………….. malaria cholera bird flu scabies 4 / 30 Yoghurt has a specific sour taste due to …………. . Acetic acid none of these citric acid Lactic acid 5 / 30 Lactobacilli kill the harmful bacteria like …………. present in the alimentary canal. Rhizobium Saccharomyces Clostridium Alcanivorax 6 / 30 Fungi release ………… into the food, making the food poisonous. mycotoxins Probiotics Antioxidants Pesticides 7 / 30 AIDS is caused by…………. . protozoa virus virus fungi 8 / 30 Find the odd man out: Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Chickenpox, Cholera. Diphtheria Chickenpox Cholera Pneumonia Chickenpox. It is caused by a virus, whereas others are caused by bacteria. 9 / 30 Find the odd man out: Ampicillin, Amoxycillin, Penicillin, Tetracycline. Penicillin Amoxycillin Ampicillin Tetracycline Penicillin. It is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic, whereas others are broad-spectrum antibiotics. 10 / 30 Molasses is fermented with the help of yeast called ……… Rhizobia Yarrowia lipolytica Saccharomyces Alcanivorax 11 / 30 The …………. destroys harmful microbes present in the milk. low pH none of these neutral pH high pH 12 / 30 …….. can grow and reproduce only in living cells. Bacteria Fungi Viruses Protozoa 13 / 30 Antibiotic penicillin was discovered by…….. Alexander Fleming Louis Pasteur Van Ermengem Ida Bengston 14 / 30 Find the odd man out: Cholera, Leprosy, Pneumonia, Influenza. Leprosy Influenza Pneumonia Cholera Influenza. It is caused by a virus, whereas the rest are caused by bacteria. 15 / 30 ……….. is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic. Ampicillin Penicillin Amoxicillin Tetracyclin 16 / 30 Find the odd man out: Root rot, rust (tambere), rubella, mozaic Root rot rubella rust (tambere) mozaic Rubella. It is a disease of humans, whereas the rest are diseases of plants. 17 / 30 Find the odd man out: Tetracycline, Penicillin, Gentamycin, Erythromycin. Erythromycin Penicillin Tetracycline Gentamycin Tetracycline. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, whereas others are narrow-spectrum antibiotics. 18 / 30 The Lactobacilli convert lactose, the sugar in the milk, into…….. . acetic acid citric acid alcohol lactic acid 19 / 30 ……….. can be prevented by vaccination. Leprosy AIDS Chicken pox Malaria 20 / 30 ……………. is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Penicillin Gentamycin Erythromycin Amoxicillin 21 / 30 Pneumonia is caused by ……….. . fungi bacteria virus protozoa 22 / 30 Find the odd man out: Lactobacilli, Rhizobia, Yeast, Clostridia Clostridia Yeast Rhizobia Lactobacilli Yeast. It is a fungus, whereas the rest are bacteria. 23 / 30 Dengue is caused by………….. . mosquito bite contaminated water and food contact with infected person droplets spread in air 24 / 30 Find the odd man out: AIDS, Hepatitis, Leprosy, Dengue. Hepatitis AIDS Leprosy Dengue Leprosy. It is caused by bacteria, whereas the rest are caused by viruses. 25 / 30 Bird flu (H7N9 ) and swine flu (H1 N1 ) are caused by………… protozoa bacteria virus fungi 26 / 30 Antibiotics mainly act against ……………… viruses fungi algae bacteria 27 / 30 ………… proved that the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is responsible for food poisoning. Ida Bengston Van Ermengem Alexander Fleming Louis Pasteur 28 / 30 Bacteria found in the root nodules of leguminous plants are …………. . Fungi Rhizobium Penicillin Lactobacilli 29 / 30 A yeast ………………. is used to absorb the toxins released during the production of palm oil. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yarrowia lipolytica Penicillium Alcanivorax 30 / 30 During fermentation, yeast cells convert carbohydrates into ……….. glucose and fructose fatty acids and amino acids alcohol and carbon dioxide proteins and fats Your score is The average score is 61% 0% Restart quiz
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