Free PDF Notes for Class 9, 10, and 11
Utilize our extensive free PDF note collection to enhance your study. At EasyLearning, we believe in providing all the resources required to pass the board exam. Our carefully made notes address a broad spectrum of subjects and offer brief justifications, main ideas, and samples.
- Our notes in a clear, straightforward style that makes following and understanding easy.
- Download our notes and access them on any device to study whenever, anywhere is convenient.
- Our notes save your time and effort by highlighting the most important concepts and information.

Why choose EasyLearning for online tuition classes?
EasyLearning is the leading online tuition platform, providing the best online tuition classes for 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Our tuition classes emphasize conceptual learning through an easy-to-understand method. Our expert guidance and personalised support ensure your success in the exam. Here are the top 5 reasons to choose EasyLearning.
- Receive a customized study plan.
- Participate in real-time online classes.
- Receive high-quality education at affordable prices.
- Learn from highly qualified teachers who specialise in their subjects.
- Access a wide range of resources, like free video and free pdf notes.