Class 10 | Disaster Management

Flash Card

Identify the ODD one out.


Which of the following aspect of disaster management cycle immediately follows resurgence?


Which of these is the final phase of a disaster management?


Clearing of debris, restoring water supply. repairing roads, etc. is done in .............. phase of disaster management.


Hepatitis is


Which of the following catastrophic disasters occurred in Gujarat and Latur?


.......... to the disaster is to be given immediately after the incidence.


District control unit


The headquarter of National Disaster Response Force is located in


Which of the following is a catastrophic disaster that occurred at Chernobyl, Russia?


Which of these is part of pre-disaster management?


Malin village of Pune district, Maharashtra is known for which disaster?


Famine is a ............ disaster.


Identify the step of pre-disaster management.


Which of the following things must not be done at the time of a fire?


Which of the following is a man-made disaster?


Which of these is a geophysical disaster?


.......... is a plan for minimizing the damage to the society and country.


Which areas of life are affected by disasters?


The person of state disaster management authority is


Which of the following is the first phase to take into consideration in the scope of a disaster?


......... divisions of the National Disaster Response Force are working in India.


Which phase is followed by the recovery phase in the scope of a disaster!


Injuries, emotional and mental stress, increase in epidemics and death of victims is a .......... disaster.

Disaster Management

Class 10 | Disaster Management

1 / 24

Which of these is the final phase of a disaster management?

2 / 24

Injuries, emotional and mental stress, increase in epidemics and death of victims is a ………. disaster.

3 / 24

Which of the following aspect of disaster management cycle immediately follows resurgence?

4 / 24

Which phase is followed by the recovery phase in the scope of a disaster!

5 / 24

……… divisions of the National Disaster Response Force are working in India.

6 / 24

Which of the following is a man-made disaster?

7 / 24

Identify the step of pre-disaster management.

8 / 24

Which of the following is the first phase to take into consideration in the scope of a disaster?

9 / 24

Hepatitis is

10 / 24

………. is a plan for minimizing the damage to the society and country.

11 / 24

Which areas of life are affected by disasters?

12 / 24

Which of these is part of pre-disaster management?

13 / 24

District control unit

14 / 24

Which of these is a geophysical disaster?

15 / 24

Identify the ODD one out.

16 / 24

Which of the following catastrophic disasters occurred in Gujarat and Latur?

17 / 24

The headquarter of National Disaster Response Force is located in

18 / 24

Malin village of Pune district, Maharashtra is known for which disaster?

19 / 24

Clearing of debris, restoring water supply. repairing roads, etc. is done in ………….. phase of disaster management.

20 / 24

Which of the following things must not be done at the time of a fire?

21 / 24

Which of the following is a catastrophic disaster that occurred at Chernobyl, Russia?

22 / 24

………. to the disaster is to be given immediately after the incidence.

23 / 24

Famine is a ………… disaster.

24 / 24

The person of state disaster management authority is

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