Flash CardOdd man out: Spirogyra, Riccia, Ulva, Ulothrix RicciaQuestion Explanation:Riccia: It is a bryophyte whereas the others are thallophytes. 1/30Odd man out: Nephrolepis, Marsilea, Cycas, Lycopodium CycasQuestion Explanation:Cycas: It is a gymnosperm whereas others are pteridophyta. 2/30Important source of agar-agar is Red algae3/30In......, the reproductive organs cannot be seen. Cryptogams4/30Odd man out: Cycas, Pinus, Thuja, Hibiscus HibiscusQuestion Explanation:Hibiscus: It is an angiosperm whereas rest are gymnosperms. 5/30In .......... the flowers are reproductive organs. Angiosperms6/30In .......... the flowers are tetramerous or pentamerous. Dicotyledons7/30______ is a monocot plant. Garlic8/30 Lycopodium belongs to............. pteridophyta9/30Plants are divided into _____ groups. 510/30Leaves of ........... show reticulate venation. Banyan11/30Odd man out: Ulothrix, Ulva, Nephrolepis, Sargassum NephrolepisQuestion Explanation:Nephrolepis: It belongs to division pteridophyta whereas the others belong to division thallophyta. 12/30Various types of fungi like yeasts and moulds are included in the group ............. . thallophyta13/30Which among the following are called the amphibians of the plant kingdom? Bryophyte14/30In ................., the seeds are covered by fruits. angiosperms15/30Bryophytes have root-like structure called......... rhizoids16/30_____ is a unisexual flower Papaya17/30Odd man out: Corn, Rice, Wheat, Groundnut GroundnutQuestion Explanation:Groundnut: It is a dicotyledonous plant whereas others are monocotyledonous plants. 18/30In monocotyledonous plants, the stem is................ . all of these.19/30Odd man out: Funaria, Marchantia, Anthoceros, Equisetum EquisetumQuestion Explanation:Equisetum: It belongs to division pteridophyta whereas the others belong to division bryophyta. 20/30...........reproduce with the help of sporesformed along the back or posterior surface of their leaves. Pteridophyta21/30In 1883, ........... classified plants into two sub-kingdoms. Eichler22/30............. is a bryophyte. Funaria23/30In ............ the seeds are not enclosed by fruits gymnosperms24/30The five kingdom classification was proposed by ................ . Robert Whittaker25/30Gymnosperms bear male and female flowers on different.......... of the same plant sporophylls26/30.......are mostly evergreen, perennial and woody Gymnosperms27/30The plants whose seeds cannot be divided into equal parts are called...,......... monocotyledons28/30Ulothrix, ulva, sargassum belong to .............. . Thallophyta29/30In ........... the seeds are naked. Bryophyta30/30PrevNext Class 9 | Classification of Plants NameEmailWhatsApp Mobile No. 1 / 30 Bryophytes have root-like structure called……… All sycon spirogyra rhizoids 2 / 30 Odd man out: Cycas, Pinus, Thuja, Hibiscus Cycas Pinus Hibiscus Thuja Hibiscus: It is an angiosperm whereas rest are gymnosperms. 3 / 30 In ……….. the seeds are naked. Gymnosperms Bryophyta Angiosperms Pteridophyta 4 / 30 Leaves of ……….. show reticulate venation. Onion Banana Bamboo Banyan 5 / 30 In monocotyledonous plants, the stem is……………. . hollow all of these. False disc-like 6 / 30 In ………… the seeds are not enclosed by fruits gymnosperms Phanerogams Angiosperm Gymnogama 7 / 30 Important source of agar-agar is More than one of the above Brown algae Red algae Blue-green algae 8 / 30 ______ is a monocot plant. Garlic Daisy Carrot Rose 9 / 30 Various types of fungi like yeasts and moulds are included in the group …………. . Pteridophyta thallophyta broyophyta None 10 / 30 Odd man out: Spirogyra, Riccia, Ulva, Ulothrix Spirogyra Ulothrix Riccia Ulva Riccia: It is a bryophyte whereas the others are thallophytes. 11 / 30 …….are mostly evergreen, perennial and woody phanerogams None Angiosperm Gymnosperms 12 / 30 ………..reproduce with the help of sporesformed along the back or posterior surface of their leaves. broyophyta Thallophyta Pteridophyta None 13 / 30 Odd man out: Ulothrix, Ulva, Nephrolepis, Sargassum Ulva Ulothrix Sargassum Nephrolepis Nephrolepis: It belongs to division pteridophyta whereas the others belong to division thallophyta. 14 / 30 …………. is a bryophyte. Funaria Equisetum Nephrolepis Ulva 15 / 30 Odd man out: Corn, Rice, Wheat, Groundnut Corn Wheat Groundnut Rice Groundnut: It is a dicotyledonous plant whereas others are monocotyledonous plants. 16 / 30 Odd man out: Nephrolepis, Marsilea, Cycas, Lycopodium Marsilea Cycas Nephrolepis Lycopodium Cycas: It is a gymnosperm whereas others are pteridophyta. 17 / 30 In 1883, ……….. classified plants into two sub-kingdoms. Eichler Robert Hooke Alexander Fleming Robert Whittaker 18 / 30 In ………. the flowers are reproductive organs. Angiosperms Bryophyta Gymnosperms Pteridophyta 19 / 30 In ………. the flowers are tetramerous or pentamerous. Monocotyledons Pteridophyta Gymnosperms Dicotyledons 20 / 30 _____ is a unisexual flower Hibiscus Papaya Sunflower Mustard 21 / 30 The five kingdom classification was proposed by ……………. . Robert Hooke Eichler Louis Pasteur Robert Whittaker 22 / 30 Gymnosperms bear male and female flowers on different………. of the same plant Sycon sporophylls Spirogyra rhizoids 23 / 30 The plants whose seeds cannot be divided into equal parts are called…,……… Dicotyledon Gymosperm None monocotyledons 24 / 30 Lycopodium belongs to…………. thallophyta gymnosperms pteridophyta bryophyta 25 / 30 Plants are divided into _____ groups. 6 5 4 7 26 / 30 Odd man out: Funaria, Marchantia, Anthoceros, Equisetum Equisetum Funaria Anthoceros Marchantia Equisetum: It belongs to division pteridophyta whereas the others belong to division bryophyta. 27 / 30 In …………….., the seeds are covered by fruits. Angiogams phanerogams angiosperms Gymosperm 28 / 30 In……, the reproductive organs cannot be seen. Angiosperm Gymosperm Phanerogams Cryptogams 29 / 30 Which among the following are called the amphibians of the plant kingdom? All Bryophyte Angiosperm Gymnosperm 30 / 30 Ulothrix, ulva, sargassum belong to ………….. . Pteridophyta Gymnosperms Bryophyta Thallophyta Your score is The average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz
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