Find the odd man out: Sieve tubes, tracheids, phloem parenchyma, phloem fibres. tracheidsQuestion Explanation:Tracheids. It is an element of xylem whereas the others are elements of phloem. 1/30Cartilage is found ................. . in nose, ear, larynx, trachea2/30Find the odd man out: Epithelium, muscle fibre, nerve fibre, epidermis. EpitheliumQuestion Explanation:Epidermis. It is a plant tissue whereas the others are animal tissues. 3/30Protective coverings in the animal body are called ................... tissues. epithelial4/30................... tissue is present in the hard coat of seeds, outer covering of coconut. Sclerenchyma5/30Which of the following is an exotic variety of cow? Brown Swiss6/30Epithelial tissue is present in ................... all of these7/30................... helps in selective transport of substances. Squamous epithelium8/30................... is a broiler chicken. Aseel9/30................... is a layer chicken. Leghorn10/30................... is an exotic variety of cow. Holstein11/30Find the odd man out: Tracheids, vessels, companion cells, xylem fibres. companion cellsQuestion Explanation:Companion cells. It is an element of phloem whereas the others are elements of xylem. 12/30Bones consist of osteocytes embedded in solid ground substance made up of ................... calcium phosphate13/30Find the odd man out: Cell body, muscle fibre, axon, dendrites. muscle fibreQuestion Explanation:Muscle fibre. It is a muscle cell whereas the others are parts of nerve cell. 14/30................... is a broiler chicken. Cochin15/30Cuboidal epithelium is found in ................. . tubules of kidney, salivary glan16/30................... helps in secretion of digestive juice, absorption of nutrients. Columnar epithelium17/30................... is an example of genetically modified maize. MON 81018/30The cells of ................. tissue are dead. Sclerenchyma19/30...................showed that cells and tissues can be grown ex vivo. Frederick Campion Steward20/30Find the odd man out: Holstein, Brown swiss, Bombyx mori, Jersey. Bombyx moriQuestion Explanation:Bombyx mori. It is a variety of silkworm whereas the others are varieties of cows. 21/30................... epithelium is present in the inner surface of respiratory tract. Ciliated22/30................... join two bones to each other. Ligaments23/30................... helps in growth of branches, formation of leaves and flowers. Intercalary meristem24/30Find the odd man out: Bone, cartilage, tendon, cardiac muscle. cardiac muscleQuestion Explanation:Cardiac muscle. It is a muscular tissue whereas the others are connective tissues. 25/30................... connect muscles to bones. Tendons26/30................... meristem increases the length of root and stem. Apical27/30Find the odd man out: Xylem, phloem, permanent tissue, meristematic tissue. meristematic tissueQuestion Explanation:Meristematic tissue. It has the ability to divide whereas the others have lost the ability to divide. 28/30................... tissue helps in insulation, supply of energy, storage of fats. Adipose tissue29/30................... supports internal organs. Areolar tissue30/30PrevNext Class 9 | Introduction to Biotechnology 1 / 30 Find the odd man out: Xylem, phloem, permanent tissue, meristematic tissue. Xylem phloem permanent tissue meristematic tissue Meristematic tissue. It has the ability to divide whereas the others have lost the ability to divide. 2 / 30 Find the odd man out: Holstein, Brown swiss, Bombyx mori, Jersey. Holstein Brown swiss Bombyx mori Jersey Bombyx mori. It is a variety of silkworm whereas the others are varieties of cows. 3 / 30 Find the odd man out: Sieve tubes, tracheids, phloem parenchyma, phloem fibres. Sieve tubes tracheids phloem parenchyma phloem fibres Tracheids. It is an element of xylem whereas the others are elements of phloem. 4 / 30 Find the odd man out: Bone, cartilage, tendon, cardiac muscle. Bone cartilage tendon cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle. It is a muscular tissue whereas the others are connective tissues. 5 / 30 Find the odd man out: Tracheids, vessels, companion cells, xylem fibres. Tracheids vessels companion cells xylem fibres Companion cells. It is an element of phloem whereas the others are elements of xylem. 6 / 30 Find the odd man out: Cell body, muscle fibre, axon, dendrites. Cell body muscle fibre axon dendrites Muscle fibre. It is a muscle cell whereas the others are parts of nerve cell. 7 / 30 Find the odd man out: Epithelium, muscle fibre, nerve fibre, epidermis. Epithelium muscle fibre nerve fibre epidermis Epidermis. It is a plant tissue whereas the others are animal tissues. 8 / 30 Which of the following is an exotic variety of cow? Plymouth Rock New Hampshire Black Rock Brown Swiss 9 / 30 Cuboidal epithelium is found in …………….. . inner surface of mouth, blood vessels inner layer of skin tubules of kidney, salivary glan inner surface of respiratory tract 10 / 30 Cartilage is found …………….. . all around the cells in body in nose, ear, larynx, trachea between the muscles and skin around the blood vessels 11 / 30 ………………. is a broiler chicken. Minroca Ancona Leghorn Cochin 12 / 30 ………………. is a broiler chicken. Leghorn Lehman Aseel Minorca 13 / 30 ………………. is a layer chicken. Brahma Leghorn Cochin Aseel 14 / 30 ………………. is an exotic variety of cow. Holstein Gir Sahiwal Dangi 15 / 30 ………………. is an example of genetically modified maize. Vaishali Vistive Gold MON 810 Amflora 16 / 30 ……………….showed that cells and tissues can be grown ex vivo. Frederick Campion Steward Gregor Johann Mendel Frederick Miescher Robert Brown 17 / 30 The cells of …………….. tissue are dead. Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma All of these 18 / 30 ………………. tissue is present in the hard coat of seeds, outer covering of coconut. Xylem Collenchyma Sclerenchyma Parenchyma 19 / 30 ………………. helps in growth of branches, formation of leaves and flowers. Lateral meristem Apical meristem Intercalary meristem Xylem 20 / 30 ………………. meristem increases the length of root and stem. Intercalary Apical Lateral Permanent 21 / 30 ………………. join two bones to each other. Cartilages Tendons Ligaments Muscles 22 / 30 ………………. connect muscles to bones. Ligaments Tendons Cartilages Nerves 23 / 30 Bones consist of osteocytes embedded in solid ground substance made up of ………………. calcium bicarbonate calcium carbonate calcium phosphate calcium sulphate 24 / 30 ………………. tissue helps in insulation, supply of energy, storage of fats. Areolar tissue Adipose tissue Muscular tissue Epithelial tissue 25 / 30 ………………. supports internal organs. Areolar tissue Adipose tissue Lymph Tendon 26 / 30 ………………. epithelium is present in the inner surface of respiratory tract. Stratified Columnar Ciliated Cuboidal 27 / 30 ………………. helps in secretion of digestive juice, absorption of nutrients. Glandular epithelium Columnar epithelium Cuboidal epithelium Ciliated epithelium 28 / 30 ………………. helps in selective transport of substances. Squamous epithelium Stratified epithelium Cuboidal epithelium Columnar epithelium 29 / 30 Epithelial tissue is present in ………………. skin inner surface of blood vessels walls of the alveoli all of these 30 / 30 Protective coverings in the animal body are called ………………. tissues. meristematic muscular epithelial bone Your score is The average score is 63% 0% Restart quiz
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