Class 10 | Animal Classification

Flash Card

Animals of which of the following phyla are acoelomate?


The conventional system of classification, divides kingdom Animalia into .............. groups.


............. are useful for capturing the prey in cnidarians.


............ is called as the friend of farmers.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Planaria?


Greek philosopher ............. was the first to perform animal classification.


Animals with true body cavity are called as


The body of sponges is supported by


What is the scientific name of sea anemone?


Hemichordates are also known as


Intestinal worms belong to phylum


Body organization of unicellular organisms is called ............. grade of organization


................ is a cold blooded animal.


................ are completely adapted for aerial life.


I belong to the second largest phylum in the animal kingdom. Which other animals belong to the same phylum as me?


I have an asymmetrical body and show cellular grade body organization. I belong to which phylum?


Body of these animals is radially symmetrical and diploblastic. They also possess cnidoblast bearing tentacles. They belong to phylum


Starfish has ............. symmetry.


I am a cockroach. Which is the most prominent feature you are likely to notice while studying me?


Calcareous spines are present on the body of ............ animal.


Echinoderms show ............ symmetry in larval stage.


Traditionally the animal kingdom was divided into two groups depending upon the presence or absence of


Non- chordates are classified / divided into ............ phyla.


I am an aquatic animal with an asymmetrical body. I have specialized cells known as collar cells. Which phylum do I belong to?


................. can perform three types of locomotion like swimming, creeping & walking.


My body is soft and slimy, hence I am referred as ............ .


Which of the following animals has a hard calcareous shell?


In case of some animals, cells come together to form tissues with the help of which all the body functions are performed. Such animals show organization.


Which of the following is a warm blooded (homeotherin) animal?


The middle germ layer is called as


Body of Aschelminthes is non-segmented and covered with tough .................. .


The numerous pores on the body of sponges is known as


Liver fluke is an example of phylum


If the body of animals is divided into small, similar units, then such body is called as ................. body.


Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of arthropods?


Platyhelminthes are also called as


Which special cells are present in the body of sponges (Porifera)?


Which of the following animals can regenerate its broken body part?


Which of these animals is triploblastic, cucoelomate, non-segmented and soft-bodied?


Aschelminthes are also called as


The five kingdom classification system was given by


In case of multicellular animals, if tissues are not formed, their body organization is called as


Round worms are


Only two germ layers are formed in


Coral reefs found in ocean are actually colonies of specific .............. .


Identify the ODD one out


If the body of a cnidarian is cylindrical, it is called as


Sea-cucumber belongs to phylum


In which of these phylums body cavity is present?


Adamsia belong to phylum

Animal Classification

Class 10 | Animal Classification

1 / 50

Which special cells are present in the body of sponges (Porifera)?

2 / 50

Non- chordates are classified / divided into ………… phyla.

3 / 50

The conventional system of classification, divides kingdom Animalia into ………….. groups.

4 / 50

Starfish has …………. symmetry.

5 / 50

My body is soft and slimy, hence I am referred as ………… .

6 / 50

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Planaria?

7 / 50

Coral reefs found in ocean are actually colonies of specific ………….. .

8 / 50

The middle germ layer is called as

9 / 50

Animals of which of the following phyla are acoelomate?

10 / 50

……………. is a cold blooded animal.

11 / 50

Which of the following is a warm blooded (homeotherin) animal?

12 / 50

I am an aquatic animal with an asymmetrical body. I have specialized cells known as collar cells. Which phylum do I belong to?

13 / 50

What is the scientific name of sea anemone?

14 / 50

Platyhelminthes are also called as

15 / 50

Only two germ layers are formed in

16 / 50

Sea-cucumber belongs to phylum

17 / 50

Aschelminthes are also called as

18 / 50

I have an asymmetrical body and show cellular grade body organization. I belong to which phylum?

19 / 50

The five kingdom classification system was given by

20 / 50

I belong to the second largest phylum in the animal kingdom. Which other animals belong to the same phylum as me?

21 / 50

Adamsia belong to phylum

22 / 50

Body of Aschelminthes is non-segmented and covered with tough ……………… .

23 / 50

If the body of a cnidarian is cylindrical, it is called as

24 / 50

Animals with true body cavity are called as

25 / 50

Calcareous spines are present on the body of ………… animal.

26 / 50

Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of arthropods?

27 / 50

I am a cockroach. Which is the most prominent feature you are likely to notice while studying me?

28 / 50

…………….. can perform three types of locomotion like swimming, creeping & walking.

29 / 50

In case of some animals, cells come together to form tissues with the help of which all the body functions are performed. Such animals show organization.

30 / 50

If the body of animals is divided into small, similar units, then such body is called as …………….. body.

31 / 50

In which of these phylums body cavity is present?

32 / 50

Echinoderms show ………… symmetry in larval stage.

33 / 50

Body of these animals is radially symmetrical and diploblastic. They also possess cnidoblast bearing tentacles. They belong to phylum

34 / 50

Which of these animals is triploblastic, cucoelomate, non-segmented and soft-bodied?

35 / 50

Hemichordates are also known as

36 / 50

Which of the following animals can regenerate its broken body part?

37 / 50

Round worms are

38 / 50

Identify the ODD one out

39 / 50

The body of sponges is supported by

40 / 50

Liver fluke is an example of phylum

41 / 50

………… is called as the friend of farmers.

42 / 50

…………. are useful for capturing the prey in cnidarians.

43 / 50

Which of the following animals has a hard calcareous shell?

44 / 50

Body organization of unicellular organisms is called …………. grade of organization

45 / 50

……………. are completely adapted for aerial life.

46 / 50

Traditionally the animal kingdom was divided into two groups depending upon the presence or absence of

47 / 50

Intestinal worms belong to phylum

48 / 50

In case of multicellular animals, if tissues are not formed, their body organization is called as

49 / 50

Greek philosopher …………. was the first to perform animal classification.

50 / 50

The numerous pores on the body of sponges is known as

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