Class 10 | Metallurgy

Flash Card

In which of the following pairs will the displacement reaction occur?


Corrosion of silver causes a black layer of


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?


The soft metal which can be cut with knife is ,..............


Which of the following method is used to prevent the accumulation of greenish layer on brass due to corrosion?


When a corroded copper article is dipped in silver nitrate solution,


If A is more reactive than metal B


What is the colour of the flame when copper metal is burned on the flame?


Which of the following is the method to concentrate ore?


The minerals from which the metal can be separated economically are called


Copper loses its lustre due to formation of......... on surface.


Which of the following sets of oxides is acidic?


Diamond is an allotrope of......


Ionic compounds ure soluble in


The sound of one metal colliding with another metal a noise, this property is called....


In anodization, aluminium is coated with a thin strong and uniform layer of


Cassiterite ore is concentrated by


Which of the following statements incorrect about leaching process to concentrate ores?


The chemical formula of copper pyrite is


Cassiterite is an ore of....metal.


In galvanizing method,............. applied on iron.


Which of the followng nonmetal is a liquid?


Priyanka introduced an iron nail in a test-tube containing freshly prepared copper sulphate solution. What would she observe?


Fe2O3 +2AI - 2Fe+ AI2O3 + HEAT ,In the above reaction,........ undergoes reduction.


Iron is


Gold plated ornaments are the examples of


.............exist in liquid state at room temperature.


Which of the following is responsible for the crystal structures in ionic compounds?


If wire of A is immersed in the salt solution of B. wherein B is more reactive than A


Nonmetals are also called


.........metal has the hightes melting point.


In the Wilfiey table method, the particles of gangue are separated by........separation method.


When a copper strip is kept immersed in freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution taken in a test-tube,


In the electrolysis of alumina, aluminium is deposited at .................. while oxygen is liberated at......


When an aluminium strip is immersed into ZnSO4 solution, the colour of the solution


which of the following non metal is lustrous?


Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?


Aluminium oxide is.......... in nature.


The hardest among the following metal is.....


Class 10 | Metallurgy

1 / 40

Which of the following is responsible for the crystal structures in ionic compounds?

2 / 40

In galvanizing method,…………. applied on iron.

3 / 40

The soft metal which can be cut with knife is ,…………..

4 / 40

………metal has the hightes melting point.

5 / 40

The sound of one metal colliding with another metal a noise, this property is called….

6 / 40

Cassiterite is an ore of….metal.

7 / 40

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

8 / 40

When an aluminium strip is immersed into ZnSO4 solution, the colour of the solution

9 / 40

which of the following non metal is lustrous?

10 / 40

If A is more reactive than metal B

11 / 40

In which of the following pairs will the displacement reaction occur?

12 / 40

Which of the following statements incorrect about leaching process to concentrate ores?

13 / 40

What is the colour of the flame when copper metal is burned on the flame?

14 / 40

When a corroded copper article is dipped in silver nitrate solution,

15 / 40

………….exist in liquid state at room temperature.

16 / 40

Cassiterite ore is concentrated by

17 / 40

In the electrolysis of alumina, aluminium is deposited at ……………… while oxygen is liberated at……

18 / 40

Which of the following is the method to concentrate ore?

19 / 40

Priyanka introduced an iron nail in a test-tube containing freshly prepared copper sulphate solution. What would she observe?

20 / 40

Aluminium oxide is………. in nature.

21 / 40

When a copper strip is kept immersed in freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution taken in a test-tube,

22 / 40

Which of the following sets of oxides is acidic?

23 / 40

In the Wilfiey table method, the particles of gangue are separated by……..separation method.

24 / 40

Gold plated ornaments are the examples of

25 / 40

In anodization, aluminium is coated with a thin strong and uniform layer of

26 / 40

Copper loses its lustre due to formation of……… on surface.

27 / 40

Which of the following method is used to prevent the accumulation of greenish layer on brass due to corrosion?

28 / 40

The hardest among the following metal is…..

29 / 40

Diamond is an allotrope of……

30 / 40

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

31 / 40

Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

32 / 40

If wire of A is immersed in the salt solution of B. wherein B is more reactive than A

33 / 40

The chemical formula of copper pyrite is

34 / 40

Iron is

35 / 40

Nonmetals are also called

36 / 40

Fe2O3 +2AI – 2Fe+ AI2O3 + HEAT ,In the above reaction,…….. undergoes reduction.

37 / 40

Ionic compounds ure soluble in

38 / 40

The minerals from which the metal can be separated economically are called

39 / 40

Corrosion of silver causes a black layer of

40 / 40

Which of the followng nonmetal is a liquid?

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