Class 10 | Refraction Of Light

Flash Card

When a ray of light enters a rarer medium from a denser medium, for a particular value of i for which, the value of r becomes equal to 90°, is called the ..............angle.


Refractive index depends on the


Light changes its direction when going from one transparent medium to another transparent medium. This is called ............ .


During refraction of light through the glass slab refraction of light takes place ........... in a glass slab.


We can see the sun even when it is little below the horizon because of ............ .


If the first medium is vacuum then the refractive index of medium 2 is called .............. .


............. is formed as the combined effect of the refraction, dispersion, and internal reflection


How to convert light dispersed by prism again into white light?


A ray of light makes an angle of 50° with the surface S1 of the glass slab. Its angle of incidence will be............... .


The actual position of star is slightly ........... than apparent position of star


Substances in the order of optically denser to optically rarer medium are:


............. coloured ray deviates the least during the dispersion of light through a prism.


A laser beam enters from air to soap solutions in water then ................ .


An illusion of the appearance of water on a hot road or in a desert is an example of


Which of the following remains unchanged during refraction of light?


A light ray is entering glass from water,


............. coloured ray deviates the most during the dispersion of light through a prism.


Dispersion of light and mirage are two examples of the phenomenon where ............ takes place.


The unit of refractive index is


When a light ray makes an angle of 90° while entering a glass slab from air, it


Mirage is the effect of atmospheric .......... on a small scale.


For a given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is.............. .


The process of separation of light into its component colour while it is passing through a medium is called


When a ray of light enters a rarer medium from a denser medium, it gets partially reflected i.e. part of the light gets reflected and comes back into the denser medium obeying the laws of reflection. This is called .................. reflection.


For the refraction of light through a glass slab angle of incidence is .............. angle of emergence.


Which of the following light source cannot produce dispersion?


Which of the following cannot be used to study refraction?


Coin placed at the bottom of vessel when viewed from sides becomes visible only after filling water upto certain height. This is due to phenomenon of ........ .


During formation of mirage, the density of air


What is the reason for the twinkling of stars?


Choose the correct statement regarding the incident ray, refracted ray and normal drawn at the point of incidence.


The velocity of light is ............. in different media.


The speed of light in air is


The refractive index of hot air is

Refraction Of Light

Class 10 | Refraction Of Light

1 / 34

When a ray of light enters a rarer medium from a denser medium, for a particular value of i for which, the value of r becomes equal to 90°, is called the …………..angle.

2 / 34

During refraction of light through the glass slab refraction of light takes place ……….. in a glass slab.

3 / 34

…………. is formed as the combined effect of the refraction, dispersion, and internal reflection

4 / 34

Coin placed at the bottom of vessel when viewed from sides becomes visible only after filling water upto certain height. This is due to phenomenon of …….. .

5 / 34

…………. coloured ray deviates the most during the dispersion of light through a prism.

6 / 34

During formation of mirage, the density of air

7 / 34

The unit of refractive index is

8 / 34

Refractive index depends on the

9 / 34

Choose the correct statement regarding the incident ray, refracted ray and normal drawn at the point of incidence.

10 / 34

Mirage is the effect of atmospheric ………. on a small scale.

11 / 34

Which of the following cannot be used to study refraction?

12 / 34

The process of separation of light into its component colour while it is passing through a medium is called

13 / 34

Substances in the order of optically denser to optically rarer medium are:

14 / 34

A ray of light makes an angle of 50° with the surface S1 of the glass slab. Its angle of incidence will be…………… .

15 / 34

A light ray is entering glass from water,

16 / 34

A laser beam enters from air to soap solutions in water then ……………. .

17 / 34

For the refraction of light through a glass slab angle of incidence is ………….. angle of emergence.

18 / 34

Which of the following remains unchanged during refraction of light?

19 / 34

The refractive index of hot air is

20 / 34

The speed of light in air is

21 / 34

An illusion of the appearance of water on a hot road or in a desert is an example of

22 / 34

For a given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is………….. .

23 / 34

How to convert light dispersed by prism again into white light?

24 / 34

The velocity of light is …………. in different media.

25 / 34

The actual position of star is slightly ……….. than apparent position of star

26 / 34

When a ray of light enters a rarer medium from a denser medium, it gets partially reflected i.e. part of the light gets reflected and comes back into the denser medium obeying the laws of reflection. This is called ……………… reflection.

27 / 34

Dispersion of light and mirage are two examples of the phenomenon where ………… takes place.

28 / 34

Light changes its direction when going from one transparent medium to another transparent medium. This is called ………… .

29 / 34

We can see the sun even when it is little below the horizon because of ………… .

30 / 34

…………. coloured ray deviates the least during the dispersion of light through a prism.

31 / 34

What is the reason for the twinkling of stars?

32 / 34

When a light ray makes an angle of 90° while entering a glass slab from air, it

33 / 34

Which of the following light source cannot produce dispersion?

34 / 34

If the first medium is vacuum then the refractive index of medium 2 is called ………….. .

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